Developing Ubiquitous

A rudimentary understanding of Salt concepts is essential: Ubiquitous is just an ordinary Salt state tree. The Get Started tutorials and "Salt in ten minutes" walkthrough are great starting points.

Keep the Salt master in sync

It can be laborious to have to keep synchronising changes to the Salt states on your local disk with the salt virtual machine. Have Vagrant watch the filesystem and run rsync when it picks up on a change.

$ vagrant rsync-auto salt

Ad hoc testing using Vagrant snapshots

Prepare a VM and snapshot it:

$ vagrant up app-debug-1
$ vagrant snapshot save app-debug-1 pre-state

Then relaunch it from the snapshot, over and over:

$ vagrant snapshot restore app-debug-1 pre-state
$ vagrant ssh --command 'sudo salt-call -l debug state.apply' app-debug-1

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