Ubiquitous Moodle

Ubiquitous is a multi-purpose Moodle and SimpleSAMLphp hosting environment.

It fulfils three requirements:

  1. Provisioning of machines with either a container or virtualisation platform
    • In local development environments we manage VirtualBox virtual machines with Vagrant.
    • Continuous integration platforms run on purpose-built Docker containers.
    • Production deployments can use your tool of choice.
  2. Configuration management across these machines
  3. Continuous integration to ensure your platforms will run correctly once deployed
  4. Continuous delivery of your platforms to the machines.

The environment is designed to simplify the Moodle development experience and provide a consistency across development, testing/integration and production.


The technical specifications of the environment are as follows:


Ubiquitous Moodle is released under the terms of the GPL v3. This is the same license as the core Moodle distribution.

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